USA Unilateral Sanctions and Its Impact on the Global South: Polarizing the World into Two Market Powers.
Article by: Auet Melache – @EriStarukMedia
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The world is now balancing between two superpowers, the United States and China, whose relations are characterized by economic competition, political rivalry, and military tensions. Since Donald Trump came to power in 2017, US policies have been increasingly targeting countries of the global South, imposing economic sanctions, pursuing a more isolationist foreign policy, and promoting protectionism. One major issue that has remained highly controversial is the USA unilateral sanctions and interventionism on nations of the global south, which has polarized the world into two market powers. This article delves into the reasons why this is happening and what its consequences are.
How Unilateral Sanctions Divide the World into Two Powers
USA unilateral sanctions and interventionism have been the center of the nation’s foreign policy since the Cold War. Such sanctions have been used to force countries that disagree with the US agenda to comply with its policies, which has often resulted in negative consequences for the countries affected. Examples of such countries here include Iran, Russia, North Korea, Syria, and Venezuela.
The US justifies its sanctions as a means of protecting its national security interests. However, these sanctions often have the opposite effect, causing devaluation of domestic currencies, hyperinflation, decreased trade, and reduced economic growth. Such economic instability has a ripple effect on global trade, leading to the polarization of the world into two market powers.
The Effects of Sanctions on Countries of the Global South.
The impact of sanctions on the global South has been severe. Nations subject to US sanctions are often low-income countries that rely heavily on the export of resources, and their economies are heavily dependent on global trade. Sanctions cripple their economies and harm the quality of life of their citizens.
The USA unilateral sanctions and interventionism has divided the world into two market powers, with the global South being at a disadvantage. Countries in the global North tend to benefit from these sanctions, as they take on the trade that the sanctioned countries lose. They also have alternative avenues for trade and financing, which are not available to nations of the global South.
The Long-Term Consequences of USA Unilateral Sanctions and Interventionism.
The USA unilateral sanctions and interventionism are causing long-term consequences that harm not only affected countries but the global economy as a whole. The imposition of sanctions reinforces the US-led hegemonic agenda to maintain its economic and political dominance worldwide. Such actions have led to the formation of new alliances, such as China and Russia. The new alliances promote the creation of a multipolar world that could limit US influence globally.
Another consequence of USA unilateral sanctions and interventionism is the violation of international law. Sanctions are often imposed without the approval of the United Nations Security Council, and their repercussions affect innocent civilians in these countries. Humanitarian aid provision is also obstructed as a result of these sanctions, escalating the health crises that already exist in these countries.
- What are USA unilateral sanctions and interventionism?
USA unilateral sanctions are punitive measures imposed by the US against individuals, organizations, or countries, often for reasons related to national security. Interventionism is an approach implemented to create political, economic, or military influence in other countries.
- What are the countries most affected by these sanctions?
Iran, Russia, North Korea, Syria, and Venezuela are the countries most affected by these sanctions.
- Why does the US impose these sanctions?
The US justifies its sanctions as a means to protect its national security interests.
- What impact do sanctions have on the global South?
Sanctions have a devastating impact on the economies of countries in the global South, which often rely heavily on exports and global trade.
- Do sanctions promote alternative trade and financing?
Countries in the global North are more likely to take on the trade lost by countries affected by sanctions, while countries in the global South lack alternative avenues for trade and financing.
- What are the long-term consequences of USA unilateral sanctions and interventionism?
USA unilateral sanctions and interventionism reinforce the US-led agenda to maintain its economic and political dominance worldwide. Sanctions also have negative repercussions, violating international law and obstructing humanitarian aid provisions.
The USA unilateral sanctions and interventionism impose visible economic, political, and social effects on countries of the global South. Their use undermines international law and inhibits meaningful dialogue in world affairs. The polarization of the world into two market powers could further deepen the existing economic and political divide between the global North and South. The imposition of US sanctions must be reevaluated to limit their damaging and long-term impact.
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